Statement Endorsing Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt

One of Oklahoma’s most impactful advocacy organizations has announced a strong early endorsement for the incumbent governor of Oklahoma. The announcement came in a press release sent to The City Sentinel, (an online news organization) and other news organizations. 

The endorsement press release read as follows:

“The Association of Oklahoma General Contractors (AOGC) is proud to be the state’s first member organization to publicly endorse Gov. Kevin Stitt in his bid for a second term as Governor of the great State of Oklahoma. Under Stitt’s leadership, Oklahoma has become a Top 10 state for the condition of its bridges, expanded our state’s infrastructure and technology, is leading the largest transportation construction projects in our state’s history, and keeping the 8 Year Construction Work Plan moving forward.

These projects and plans have a tremendous positive impact on our state’s economy, including providing good-paying, steady jobs for Oklahomans and keeping construction companies and the construction supply industry invested in our state. 
By re-electing Gov. Stitt, Oklahoma will become a national leader in transportation infrastructure and drive future economic development. His foresight is paving the way for better, safer roads and bridges to keep Oklahoma as America’s destination for the traveling public and businesses.

The AOGC looks forward to supporting Gov. Stitt for a second term in office and asks that all Oklahoman’s who drive on our roads and bridges do too.”

-AOGC Executive Director Bobby Stem