Mother Teresa: on Being Christ’s disciple, and a prayer of adoration

Note: From Magnificat Magazine, September 2016 edition; Being Christ’s Disciple – An Interview with Saint Teresa of Calcutta

Q: How can we believe in a good God when there is so much suffering around us?
A: Suffering in and of itself is useless, but suffering which is a share in the Passion of Christ is a marvelous gift for human life. The most wonderful of gifts is that we can share in Christ’s Passion.

Q: How? Is suffering a gift?
A; Yes, and it is a sign of love because it was chosen by the Father to show us that he loved the world by giving up his Son to die for us. In that way, through Christ’s life, suffering proved to be a gift, the greatest gift of love, because through his suffering our sins were atoned for.

Q: Our sins?
A: Yes, above all, our sins. That’s why we come back to the same thing. If we admit that we are sinners and we need forgiveness, then it will be very easy for us to forgive others. But if I don’t admit this, it will be very hard for me to say, ‘I forgive you,’ no matter who comes to me.

Q: What should we do when suffering comes to us?
A: Accept it with a smile.

Q: Accept it with a smile?
A: Yes, with a smile, because it is the greatest gift that God gives us.

Q: What? To smile?
A: To smile at God. To have the courage to accept everything that he sends us, and to give to him what he asks of us with a big smile.


A Prayer of Adoration
Saint Teresa of Calcutta

O God, we believe you are here.
We adore you and love you with our whole heart and soul
because you are most worthy of all our love.

We desire to love you as the blessed do in Heaven.
Flood our souls with your spirit and life.

Penetrate and possess our whole being utterly,
that our lives may only be a radiance of yours.

Shine through us, and be so in us
that every one we come in contact with
may feel your presence in our soul.

Note: Saint Teresa of Calcutta, who died in 1997, founded the Missionaries of Charity and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Last weekend, she was formally canonized by Pope Francis.