Istook’s Insights: Religious observance slips, Houston transgender measure rejected

Faith and politics show definite connections.

The Pew Survey about faith in America is far more extensive than most polls, involving 35,000 participants.

Pew found the largest segment among Democrats is the 28 percent who are atheist or who claim no religious ties.

Among Republicans, the largest bloc is the 38 percent who consider themselves evangelical Christians.

Catholics are balanced, being 21 percent of America’s Democrats and 21 percent of Republicans.

But religious observance has slipped, reports Pew, mostly because young people are less likely to attend church, pray daily, or even believe in God.

Only 49 percent of young adults say they are certain that God exists. But for senior citizens, it’s 63 percent. Yet seven years ago, it was 71 percent of seniors.

Overall, Americans are more observant than people in other nations — but we are trending downward.

Elsewhere in the news, voters rejected transgender rights, but President Obama wants to impose them anyway.

Houston voters by 60-40 rejected an ordinance that would disregard anatomy and let males declare themselves female and vice versa. Privacy and modesty would be overridden, as restrooms, locker rooms, sports and everything else would have to let you choose your own sex, never mind the facts.

But there’s a contrary ruling from President Obama’s Education Department bureaucrats. They ordered an Illinois high school to open the girls’ bathrooms, showers and locker rooms to a teenage boy, a transgender who calls himself a girl. 

Any school that won’t give in gets sued.

The news coverage makes things worse. Stories constantly refer to the teenager in Illinois as “she” and “her,” never even mentioning that biologically he is actually a he.

To confuse you, liberal politicians and liberal reporters won’t even tell you the facts — they just tell you to obey.