Prescription Proposal is Extreme

To The Editor: 
Autumn is a beautiful season in Oklahoma. For allergy sufferers like myself, however, watery eyes and a runny nose go hand in hand with the changing seasons. To get relief from my symptoms, I have come to rely on over-the-counter cold and allergy medicine containing pseudo-ephedrine.
I am thankful that I can still purchase my favorite brands of allergy medication at my local drugstore, particularly given that some folks in our state seem intent on making pseudo-ephedrine available by prescription only.  This is an extreme proposal that would place an unfair burden on honest citizens.  Such a law would force me to miss work and pay to see a doctor every time I get congested.  It’s an expensive proposal that is not right for Oklahoma.
The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America recently ranked both Tulsa and Oklahoma City in the worst 15 cities in the nation for fall allergies, so I know I am not alone.  Our state government would be wise to remember this should such a policy ever come up again.
Sincerely, Shelby Dunham, Norman, OK 
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